Ryan Hall is amazing

Shannon Gotham, Contributing writer

What is it like to live in Ryan Hall — the brand new suite-style residence hall on campus with a dining hall and convenience store inside its doors?

Well, I have the wonderful opportunity to live in Ryan Hall, so I can tell you all about it.

I can very easily say that it is like living the college life in a hotel.

The dorms themselves are fairly large, and they even include a kitchenette.

There is also living space in between the bedrooms and bathrooms.

Having a living space and kitchenette in my dorm has allowed me to become close to my roommates.

It gives us all a place to chat and enjoy each others’ company.

It has also allowed me to have plenty of space to be alone when I need to study or make a phone call.

Living arrangements are also phenomenal.

Each person only has to share their room and bathroom with one other person.

This has made getting ready in the morning hassle free.

That is because everybody is able to do what works the best for them in the morning without being in or getting into somebody else’s way.

The suites feeling of home is great, but any space can become home no matter what.

This leads me to what really makes living in Ryan Hall so amazing.

The convenience store and dining hall are truly the biggest perks of the addition of Ryan Hall to campus.

Being able to get some Starbucks in the morning or grab some cough drops when I’m sick without leaving my building is a huge perk!

Not having to worry about taking the bus or even having to walk across campus to get what I need is a luxury I will not grow tired of.

The dining hall is also wonderful in that my roommates and I don’t have to go far to get a meal.

This last addition has been especially helpful when grabbing something quickly in a time crunch, something that most students will be able to appreciate.

The best thing about the dining hall is the variety it offers to students when taken in conjunction with the Grotto Commons.

Both dining halls serve different meals to students.

This ultimately means that students and faculty now have more choices as to where we can dine on campus.

The opening of the new dining hall at Ryan Hall has not only made it more convenient to live in Ryan.

It has also made dining at Mercyhurst an even better experience for both students and staff.

Overall, living in Ryan Hall has so far been more than I had hoped from my first-year experience.

The suite space, amenities, and overall convenience have all surprised me. They have one and all exceeded my expectations and improved my campus life.

Living in Ryan Hall has made it all the easier for me to say that Hurst is home.