Regarding the Laker Inn and the upcoming pub

Paul Cohen, Staff Writer

The Laker Inn has been closed for four months.

No one has received any updates on when the new pub is going to open, and the Laker along with it.

Students have expressed their opinions about the construction of the pub on campus, and the closing of the Laker.

Before I start, I want to state a few things.

Firstly, I am going to be studying in Ireland from March to May.

I’ll definitely be wondering when the pub will open when I’m over there, but it won’t be something that will impact me personally.

On top of that, this is my last year as an undergraduate, so by the time the pub opens, I’ll already be on my way.

The only way that it could impact me is if I end up going to graduate school here at Mercyhurst.

So this issue does not impact me all that much on a personal level.

But I know that the pub is on many people’s minds, especially people who are already, or are about to turn 21.

The idea of celebrating your long-awaited 21st birthday at a pub on a university campus is pretty mind-blowing, at least to me.

I’m sure that many students are impatient to find out when this long-awaited pub is finally going to open.

On that particular front, I am content to wait until I’m back from Ireland.

Once I have gotten back from Ireland, if the pub still isn’t open, which I really hope not to be the case, I will ask for any updates.

I have too much to worry about to be wondering when the pub is going to open.

However, there is a bigger issue to be discussed in regards to the pub.

Many students are still upset that the Laker Inn was closed down for these extensive renovations.

I am not as bothered over it at others are. The main reason for this is that I like Ryan Hall better than the Laker.

For various reasons I didn’t like the Laker as much as many of my friends.

As a result, I just didn’t go to the Laker as often as many of my fellow Lakers did.

I do go to Ryan Hall more often. It’s come to fill the role for me that the Laker did for so many other students.

I love the Archer Express in Ryan Hall. I love it, and all the other little features of Ryan Hall, too much to miss the Laker Inn.

I know many students miss it, though. And I can certainly understand why they would be upset over this closure.

It was a place to catch a quick, cheap breakfast, lunch or dinner in a comfortable and nice atmosphere.

But the closure of the Laker Inn just does not impact me that much, as Ryan Hall filled its role better for me.

There are plenty of worries surrounding the construction of the pub.

Its announcement was dropped on students suddenly, along with the news that the Laker would close along with it.

As for these worries, all I can say is that I only know as much about the renovation process as the other students.

I don’t know how the pub will turn out in the end.

It could turn out for the best, but it could also turn out for the worst.

But I also know that I will be going there eventually, either as a graduate student or a visiting alumnus.