A first look at the Lumen


Jordan Cargill, Christina Chazzara and Angela Zanaglio

The very first look at the cover for the Lumen Magazine before its unveiling on Thursday, April, 28.

Rachel Sobina, Staff writer

The Lumen is a printed magazine with different forms of literary work by students, including fiction, poetry, visual artwork, clips of dance performances and original composition pieces.
It is a huge interdisciplinary work among the students. Jeff Roessner, Ph.D., explained that it is a “representation of great students across the arts.”
Roessner discussed how one gets submitted into the magazine and explained that the submission must be completed in the fall.
Before the submission, there are a few creative writing workshops where students are critiqued by peers and given feedback on how to improve their submissions.
The magazine is entirely edited by students.
The Lumen is a collaborative piece, so the English students do the mechanical editing, the graphic design students do the visual layout and imaginative work that goes into the layout.
“In the past, the Lumen has been in 3D and even included a pair of 3D glasses,” Roessner said about the design of the magazine every year.
“Each year, the magazine itself is a unique work of art,” Roessner said.
Roessner talked about all of the different people who were involved with the magazine as well. Kenneth Schiff, Ph.D., retired recently but he previously oversaw the production of the Lumen.
They worked closely with Jodi Staniunas-Hopper, M.F.A, who used to work in the Graphic Design Department but now is the chair of the Art Department.
For many years, Marnie Sullivan, Ph.D., in the English department took over the production of the Lumen.
This year, Jaclyn Watterson, Ph.D., worked very hard to make the Lumen available online.
The editors-in-chief this year are Caroline Magoc and Hailey Carone.
The designers are Jordan Cargill, Christina Chazzara and Angela Zanaglio.
Every year, three awards are offered for the best creative writing, and one for the best piece of critical writing.
The awards are generously endowed by the family of long-time English Department Faculty P. Barry McAndrew.
This event takes place on Thursday, April 28, at 8 p.m. in the Taylor Little Theatre.