Hurst Hot Take: “Gals on the Go” Podcast


Annie Markel, Staff Writer

Podcasts have taken the world by storm in the past five years. Before 2018, no one really knew what podcasts were, they were seen as boring and niche.

Only a few years later did every-one from the popular celebrity to the common person have a pod-cast. Through podcasting, people ranging from Hollywood celebrities, social media influencers and regular people were able to find their voice in the world. For those unaware of what a podcast is, a podcast is an audio piece uploaded to the internet of people talking about one or multiple subjects. In short, it is like a radio segment – only talking with no visuals.

They can be found on multiple apps and websites. Spotify, Apple Music and Apple podcasts are just a few places one can look.

A podcast can have one or multiple hosts. Sometimes people will have a podcast with only themselves talking. Other times they are able to find a group of friends who then start one together.

The subjects of these addicting audios can range in many directions and genres. For example, crime, lifestyle, sports and drama are only a few of endless categories that are listed on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Podcasts flourished during the pandemic. With everyone at home sitting around, many thought that may-be their conversations, no matter how insignificant, could be re-corded and put online to entertain others.

Everyone became obsessed with podcasting during quarantine because it was an at-home activity that had a lot of potential. Podcasts have given a voice to so many people. Celebrities now have an outlet to let people more into their personal lives and thoughts. Influencers can talk about deeper subjects and become closer to their followers. And regular people can finally share their ideas, stories and emotions with people who might re-late on a global scale.

One podcast I love that really built an empire over quarantine is hosted by two powerful women. In August of 2018, Danielle Carolan and Brooke Miccio started the podcast called “Gals on the Go”. These two ladies met in college and made this podcast together. Fast forward three years later, the two have graduated from the University of Georgia and are experiencing post-grad adventures together. Many YouTubers have started podcasts as another avenue to talk to their fans, and Brooke Miccio and Danielle Carolan are no exception. They have both been on social media for over five years, each with their own successful You-Tube channels with over 200,000 subscribers.

These ladies know their way around the internet, but they felt as though YouTube was just not enough for them anymore.

Carolan is a fresh graduate from the University of Georgia who just moved to New York City this summer. This Florida “gal” is a bright and bubbly blonde that always brings the fun.

Carolan is a certified Spin Instructor that graduated with a degree in Fashion Merchandising with an emphasis in brand management. She is an amazing woman who brings such great energy to the podcast.

Miccio graduated from the University of Georgia in 2019 and has lived in the city since then. Miccio is older and wiser than Carolan, and she has a fantastic perspective on life. She is like a big sister to Carolan, she guided her through graduation and her big move from the deep south to the Big Apple [New York City]. This dynamic duo is a great pair with an amazing “older-sister-you-never-had” vibe.

The girls always have something new to talk about. Whether it be traveling, girl talk or just catching up about their week, this pair is certain to keep you entertained. Personally, I have gained so much advice and wisdom from Miccio and Carolan.

The podcast “Gals on the Go” is an incredible lifestyle and advice podcast that I think can benefit everyone. Danielle Carolan and Brooke Miccio have become some of my greatest role models over the years. Getting to listen and hear them grow is so touching. These are two powerful women who took an idea and made it an empire and I think that is why you should listen to the “Gals on the Go” podcast.

With new episodes published every Wednesday, it is certainly something to look forward to in the middle of the week. Some people like to listen to podcasts as they get ready in the morning to give them motivation and a good outlook on the day. And even if you do not want to listen to a podcast in the morning, I definitively recommend listen-ng to at least one as they all have something new for you to learn about.

To listen to “Gals on the Go,” search for the title in Spotify or Apple Podcasts. In addition, check out their Instagram under the handle @galsonthegopodcast.