New at hurst: Ricardo Estermera

New at hurst: Ricardo Estermera

Miriam Gildea, Contributing writer

Amid the myriad of masks, a new face shines out. Ricardo Estremera has recently joined the Mercyhurst family as an instructor of Applied Linguistics. 

Estremera’s journey began in Puerto Rico, where he lived until moving to the United States. As a boy, his father taught at the University of Puerto Rico, and Estremera, in respectful rebellion, decided to pursue biology so as to pave his own way. However, much to the benefit of Mercyhurst students, he too became an educator.

Upon coming to America, he hit the ground running – literally. Receiving a scholarship for  track from the University of Albany, Estremera thrived as a student-athlete.   

Towards the end of his college days, he decided to also pursue a Spanish minor and encountered a teacher that would change his life. This passion-filled teacher taught Intro to Hispanic Linguistics, in a way that inspired young Estremera in terms of the complexities of social linguistics. As a biology major, science explaining language seamlessly combined all his interests into one field and became his new focus. 

“It is important to provide quality education and be the best educator you can be because you never know you will impact,” Estremera said.

Beyond the classroom, Estremera embodies renaissance man qualities. He is constantly involved in community events and traveling greatly interests him. Getting to know and understand other cultures has driven him and his wife Sherez Mohamed, an assistant professor of World Languages here at Mercyhurst, to adventure around the globe. 

Cooking is a mutual love of the couple and a perfect tie-in to their enjoyment of travel. 

In addition to this, Estremera dreams of running in the next Olympics. At around age 16, he discovered his special athletic talent and has been running ever since. A professional athlete, he is sponsored by Track Smith and has turned a hobby into a fulfilling life goal. 

His specialty is the 3,000-meter steeplechase and whenever the next Olympics take place, runners around the globe must be on the lookout for Hurst’s speediest teacher. 

All-in-all, Estremera emphatically believes that “teachers or educators or faculty have such an impact on students.” 

There is no doubt that with his drive and passion, his students will be beneficially impacted.

Welcome to the Hurst, Ricardo!