Parking spot troubles

Logan Ford, Staff writer

Yet another song on my playlist started as I turned the corner of the McCauley parking lot for the fifth time. I remember looking down at my clock and realizing I had been driving around Mercyhurst’s winding roads for 20 minutes. I then realized that I only had another ten minutes to get to my first class.

I finally made my way back to the Warde parking lot. I luckily spotted a woman getting into her car from across the lot.

As I made my way to the end of the row that she had been parked in and her brake lights turned on, my hopes skyrocketed; I had found a parking spot!

As quickly as my heart rose, it fell. During the time it had taken for the woman to back out of her space, another student craving a parking spot had quickly gotten behind the departing vehicle and claimed the parking spot for themselves not two seconds after the space was vacant.

Eventually I did find a parking space, and made it to class on time. I know for a fact that I am not the only student who has already had difficulty finding a space to park.

One friend of mine decided to park several blocks away. Another friend told me that she drove around campus for an entire half hour before being able to park.

As a commuter, I was able to predict the increased parking troubles, especially with the largest freshman class rising up to sophomore status, and bringing their cars to campus.

Commuters are completely dependent on their cars to arrive for class. Without anywhere to park, we have no choice but to sit and hope a spot opens up before we are expected anywhere.

There were hardly enough spaces last year. This year, when lots begin closing for repairs and events on campus occur, students would be smart to arrive maybe up to an hour early to guarantee they can get a parking spot.

As an Erieite for my entire life and as a Mercyhurst student, I think it is wonderful that the university is growing and expanding.

I’m even excited for the sophomore housing project despite the fact I will never live in it. Being a poor college student, I hate to even ponder the idea, but if the parking problem continues to get worse, selling a limited amount of parking passes might be a policy worth exploring for the university.

I am all for growing, but increased parking options during construction would be greatly appreciated by everyone who drives.