Excited for renovations

Nash Greeven, Contributing writer

Recently, Mercyhurst University announced a $9.5 million campaign to improve sports facilities on campus.

A $9.5 million campaign for a sports facility?

What can I say but that I’m thrilled!

This is going to be a benefit to both Mercyhurst University and Mercyhurst Preparatory School.

It is going to attract students to both of our institutions.

Hopefully, it will ultimately bring enrollment up for both schools.

The $9.5 million upgrade is going toward an additional field.

This field will have safety and energy efficiency upgrades such as L.E.D lighting for better play at nighttime.

I’m incredibly thrilled for this upgrade!

It’s going to allow both schools to host many more activities and events.

This will enable more sports to be played at both the university and the preparatory school.

It will also hopefully lead to the creation of more intramural sports and clubs for both the school and the university.

This upgrade isn’t just for varsity athletes.

It’s going to allow additional intramural sports as well as club teams, potentially a club soccer team.

As much as I’m thrilled for the upgrade of a new facility, I am admittedly kind of bummed that we didn’t build a pool here on campus.

We certainly have the space for it.

A pool would offer many benefits to both students and staff here at Mercyhurst University.

It would allow the water polo team to practice here on campus, instead of driving 15 minutes down the road to the Hagerty Family Events Center.

It would also allow the school to add varsity dive and swim to athletics.

On top of that, a swimming pool would allow for students to do recreational swim and let other local teams and clubs rent out the pool.

The pool would be a new source of revenue for the school, which in time would pay for itself.

It might even be able to attract more potential students to our campus.

Maybe this pool could become a reality, hopefully someday very soon.

But in the meantime, I’m incredibly excited to see all of the upcoming improvements to the athletics sports complex here at Mercyhurst.

These improvements will undoubtedly benefit the community of Mercyhurst University.

It’ll benefit the community of the Mercyhurst Prep school as well.

And, I believe that in the end, it will ultimately benefit the city of Erie itself.