About Joining a Club

Karrah Savage, Staff Writer

Looking to get involved on campus?

Then Mercyhurst’s clubs are the place for you.

Mercyhurst University has so many clubs and organizations for all different majors and all different interests.

From honor societies for majors, to volunteer clubs like Habitat for Humanity, to clubs based on certain interests such as the National Security Club, Mercyhurst has it all.

Throughout my time at Mercyhurst I have joined a lot of clubs.

Through this, I have met great people and learned truly a great deal.

However I did not really start to get involved until the end of my sophomore year.

I wish that I wouldn’t have waited as long as I did to get involved.

This is because it really has made a difference with feeling connected to campus and making Mercyhurst feel like a home away from home.

A big part of why I did not get involved for so long was because I was unaware of all the seemingly dozens of clubs that existed and how to go about getting involved, as I feel is true for many students.

With that being said I feel that the university could do more to effectively advertise the extracurricular activities that are offered so that all students are aware.

Mercyhurst could also make contact information for those in charge of the clubs more accessible so that it is easier to get involved.

Something that I think students should know is that most new clubs are always accepting new members!

If you miss the first meeting of the year that does not mean you can’t get involved until the start of next year.

Clubs will gladly accept you no matter how late you join into them.

Every club I have joined has been so welcoming to new students, as I am sure would be the exact same for any club on campus.

Overall I believe getting involved on campus is very important.

This is because, as I said before, it helps students meet amazing friends, do something they deeply enjoy and really become immersed into life on campus.

With all of this being said, a few clubs I have joined that I absolutely love are Public Health Club, and the Public Health Scholar Bowl team.

Finally, I love writing for the Merciad.

I have friends who have joined honor societies, become RAs, joined the student senate and so much more.

There is truly something for everyone!

You just have to go out there and find it.

Go out there and find the club that will make Hurst feel like Home to you!