Saying no to Amy Coney Barrett

Bella Lee, Staff writer

America lost an influential and important figure on Sep. 18 when Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died at the age of 87.

Almost instantly, the scramble to fill her seat began. This has been a controversial issue because the Trump administration is adamant on filling Ginsburg’s seat before the election, which is just weeks away.

Yet, when Justice Antonin Scalia died in February of 2016, then-President Obama wasn’t allowed to appoint his nomination, Merrick Garland, because it was “too close” to the election. Ultimately, President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett, a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

A graduate of Notre Dame Law School, it appears that Judge Barrett has the qualifications to become a Supreme Court Justice, but do I think she is a good choice to be one? Let me put it blatantly: no.

While it would be nice to have another woman justice on the Supreme Court, I have many issues not just with Barrett, but with the process towards her nomination, and maybe her appointment, as a whole.

One main point that confused and angered me was that March 2016, which is when Obama nominated Garland to fill Scalia’s spot, was “too close” to the election for Garland’s appointment to go through.

Now, we’re just a week out of the election, and this is now the “perfect time” to review Barrett’s credentials and to push her approval. It also appears that the Trump administration is trying to venerate Barrett as the next Ginsburg, going as far as the GOP selling “Notorious ACB” shirts, a twist on Ginsburg’s nickname, “The Notorious RBG.” I just feel like this is spitting on Ginsburg and who she was, especially since Barrett is ideologically the polar opposite of Ginsburg.

I don’t deny that Barrett has the qualifications to serve on the Supreme Court, but I vehemently disagree with many of her views. One thing that enraged me was when, during one day of her confirmation hearings, she referred to being LGBTQ+ identities as a “sexual preference.”

This is something that ignited anger among many, most notably former Democratic presidential nominee Pete Buttigieg, a gay man.

Barrett also strongly believes that Obamacare should be dismantled and the Roe v. Wade decision be reversed, both which I strongly oppose. Obamacare provides healthcare to over 20 million Americans and taking that away could very much be detrimental.

In addition, as someone who is pro-choice, I believe that the Roe v. Wade decision should stay in order to continue the right to privacy in this country, especially among women. Barrett is also against gun control and immigration assistance, both things that I strongly support. I believe that gun control is necessary so that we don’t have mass shootings, especially school shootings, anymore.

Also, I believe that immigration is something that needs to be observed and assisted with more to help immigrants have better lives. Most importantly, Barrett insists that her strict Catholicism doesn’t impede on her beliefs, but to me, those beliefs show otherwise.

Unfortunately, it seems today that the only “true” Republicans are those who share their views with President Trump, and Barrett to me is an example of that.

With the election looming over the nation, I believe that her appointment could be detrimental to this country.