New At Hurst: Kristian Biega


Victoria McGinty, Features editor

“Hurst is Home” reigns as one of the leading mottos that best represent the university. Of the many alumni reintroduced to the Hurst this year is Kristian Biega.

Biega graduated from Mercyhurst in 2020. The Pittsburgh native spent her undergraduate career as an English and Marketing double major and was very involved on campus. She was involved in a variety of campus activities which include being the News Editor of The Merciad, a leader in Campus Ministry for Carpe Diem 11/ MYRACLE, President of Sigma Tau Delta and part of the Mercyhurst Concert Choir. “I really liked the fact that I could get to know my professors and classmates so well too,” said Biega.

Following graduation, Biega ventured back to Pittsburgh to earn her M.S. in Marketing Science from the University of Pittsburgh Katz Graduate School of Business. Now, the Mercyhurst community has welcomed Biega back to campus as an asset to the Marketing Department as a Marketing Coordinator. Her job keeps her busy as the department is always taking on a new set of projects. “My work as marketing coordinator is very writing-heavy– I am the editor for The Morning Tide email newsletter, I write for various mailings, emails and articles for the Mercyhurst Magazine, and help in the copy-editing process for a lot of different projects,” Biega said. “I also really enjoy working with everyone in the Marketing Department. Our different strengths play well together as a team and we also have fun in the office as a group.”

Biega is thrilled to be back on campus. She was drawn to the campus’ sense of community initiatives and she feels it holds true today. “The community we have here is special. As a former student and now employee, I feel cared for and glad that I work with a community of caring and open-minded individuals who only want the best for the school and its students,” said Biega.

While Biega is no longer a student at Mercyhurst, she is still active on campus as one of the Advisors for the Merciad. She enjoys still taking part in campus life such as Hurst Day and attending MIAC shows.

In her free time, Biega enjoys a variety of hobbies including theatre, reading, bullet journaling and watching Marvel movies.

Mercyhurst is grateful to have Kristian Biega back on campus. If you knew her as a student or have had the opportunity to meet her this year, she is a wonderful asset to the Laker community. She is always willing to talk with current students or just say “hello.” You can find her in the Marketing Department located in Old Main 204.